BASIC4MCU | 질문게시판 | Co 센서 값에 따른 ppm을 계산하려는데
페이지 정보
작성자 라칸 작성일2024-06-05 11:54 조회381회 댓글1건
The coefficients are estimated from the sensitivity characteristics graph
of the MQ7 sensor for CO (Carbon Monoxide) gas by using Correlation function.
Explanation :
The graph in the datasheet is represented with the function
f(x) = a * (x ^ b).
f(x) = ppm
x = Rs/R0
The values were mapped with this function to determine the coefficients a and b.
#define coefficient_A 19.32
#define coefficient_B -0.64
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댓글 1
조회수 381master님의 댓글
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