모터 > ESC specs for Simonk / BLHeli FW flash

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BASIC4MCU | 모터 | BLDC모터 | ESC specs for Simonk / BLHeli FW flash

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작성자 키트 작성일2017-09-05 15:15 조회2,197회 댓글0건



Brand / ModelAmpMCUPadsExt. Osc.FETsFW fileFrontBackNote
This list has been attentively written; however, there is no guarantee that your ESC will match the specifications in this list. Many boards change PCBs regularly (particularly many higher current boards). Always check your ESCs before flashing!
Mag8 TP_w12A12AtmeganonoP/Ntgy.hexlinklink
TowerPro17AtmegayesP/Ntp.hexoldest "type 1" - tp_i2c.hex on i2c mod
TowerPro18AtmegayesnoP/Ntgy.hexold "type 2"
TP18A_BESC18AtmeganonoNtp_nfet.hexlinklinkHH30A_V1.1 with 4 FETs per phase
TowerPro25AtmegayesP/Ntp.hexoldest "type 1" - tp_i2c.hex on i2c mod
TowerPro25AtmeganoP/Ntgy.hexold "type 2"
TP_w25A25AtmeganonoNtp_nfet.hexlinklinkHH30A_V1.1 with 4 FETs per phase
TP-W30A30AtmeganonoNtp_nfet.hexlinklinkHH30A_V1.1 with 6 FETs per phase
TowerPro40AtmeganonoNtp_nfet.hexlinklinkL40A v1.1
Mag8 HXTBSC6565AtmeganoyesNtp70a.hexlinklinkTQFP
Hobbyking F-Series "UBEC"
2610000016AtmegarowyesP/Nbs.hex (old @3.3V)linklink~1.27mm pads: mosi miso sck rst
26100000210AtmegarowyesP/Nbs.hexlinklink~1.27mm pads: 5v gnd mosi miso sck rst
F-20A20AtmegarowyesNbs_nfet.hexlinklinkSame as F-30A but P75N02LDG FETs
F-30A30AtmegarowyesNbs_nfet.hexlinklinkSame as F-20A but STD85N3LH5 FETs
F-40A40AtmegarowyesNbs.hexlinklinkSBEC from this size and up
F-60A60AtmegarowyesNbs.hexlinklink4nops COMP_PWM
Hobbyking BlueSeries
Blueseries12AtmeganoyesNbs_nfet.hexlinklinkalso branded "Black Mantis"
Please report errors and omissions to Simon Kirby <pixelmaze@gmail.com>
Blueseries20AtmegayesyesNbs_nfet.hexlinklinkpads NOT in a row
Blueseries30AtmegayesyesNbs_nfet.hexlinklinkpads NOT in a row
Blueseries40AtmegayesyesNbs40a.hexlinklinkpads NOT in a row
Blueseries50AtmegayesyesNbs.hexpads NOT in a row

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