8051/PIC > 8051 개요

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BASIC4MCU | 8051/PIC | 8051 | 8051 개요

페이지 정보

작성자 키트 작성일2017-09-12 10:42 조회2,595회 댓글0건



8051 개요


8051의 특징

ㅁ 8-bit ALU

ㅁ 32 descrete I/O pins ( P0,P1,P2,P3 )

ㅁ two 16 bit timer/counters

ㅁ full duplex UART

ㅁ 6 interrupt sources with 2 priority levels

ㅁ 128 bytes of on board RAM

ㅁ separate 64K byte address spaces for

DATA and CODE memory

[내부ROM : 4Kbyte, 내부RAM : 128byte]













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조회수 2,595

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8051/PICHOME > 8051/PIC > 8051 목록

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