BASIC4MCU | 8051/PIC | 8051 | 8051 Instruction Set
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작성자 키트 작성일2017-09-12 10:46 조회5,176회 댓글0건본문
~: 8051 Instruction Set :~
Here one can find complete instruction set of 8051 micro-controller. Complete information regarding each instruction like operational explanation, addressing mode, no. of byte occupied, no. of cycles used etc is given. So just, go through it. It’s a ready reference.
All 8051 instructions are broadly classify in to four groups data moving, logical, arithmetic and branching.
Data moving / handling Instructions: -
| Operational description
| Addressing mode
| No. of bytes occupied
| No. of cycles used
Mov a,#num
| Copy the immediate data num in to acc
| immediate
| 2
| 1
Mov Rx,a
| Copy the data from acc to Rx
| register
| 1
| 1
Mov a,Rx
| Copy the data from Rx to acc
| register
| 1
| 1
Mov Rx,#num
| Copy the immediate data num in to Rx
| immediate
| 2
| 1
Mov a,add
| Copy the data from direct address add to acc
| direct
| 2
| 1
Mov add,a
| Copy the data from acc to direct address add
| direct
| 2
| 1
Mov add,#num
| Copy the immediate data num in to direct address
| direct
| 3
| 2
Mov add1,add2
| Copy the data from add2 to add1
| direct
| 3
| 2
Mov Rx,add
| Copy the data from direct address add to Rx
| direct
| 2
| 2
Mov add,Rx
| Copy the data from Rx to direct address add
| direct
| 2
| 2
Mov @Rp,a
| Copy the data in acc to address in Rp
| Indirect
| 1
| 1
Mov a,@Rp
| Copy the data that is at address in Rp to acc
| Indirect
| 1
| 1
Mov add,@Rp
| Copy the data that is at address in Rp to add
| Indirect
| 2
| 2
Mov @Rp,add
| Copy the data in add to address in Rp
| Indirect
| 2
| 2
Mov @Rp,#num
| Copy the immediate byte num to the address in Rp
| Indirect
| 2
| 1
Movx a,@Rp
| Copy the content of external add in Rp to acc
| Indirect
| 1
| 2
Movx a,@DPTR
| Copy the content of external add in DPTR to acc
| Indirect
| 1
| 2
Movx @Rp,a
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