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BASIC4MCU | 하드웨어 | TTL,CMOS | Electronic Components

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작성자 키트 작성일2017-08-25 09:51 조회2,104회 댓글0건


Electronic Components

- details of all forms of electronic components including capacitors, resistors, inductors, semiconductors, diodes, transistors, crystals, integrated circuits, etc .....

Electronic components provide many different functions. From the simple passive components like resistors, capacitors and industrs, through the basic semiconductor devices like diodes, transistors and FETs through to the electronic components such as integrated circuits of all forms.


Surface Mount Technology (SMT)


Passive components








Semiconductor basics

Transistors and diodes are in widespread use today. Many millions are used each day apart from those that are incorporated in integrated circuits.





Semiconductor diodes & non-active devices












Semiconductor active devices & ICs












Semiconductor memory







Miscellaneous electronic components




Analysis and case studies from industry experts

..... more articles by industry experts .....


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329 TTL,CMOS Glue Logic Family Selection 이미지 키트 17-08-25 2626
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327 TTL,CMOS Logic IC Numbering 이미지 키트 17-08-25 2163
326 TTL,CMOS Logic IC Families 이미지 키트 17-08-25 1977
325 TTL,CMOS 100 IC Circuits 이미지 키트 17-08-25 3868
324 TTL,CMOS 74LVC Family 이미지 키트 17-08-25 2109
323 TTL,CMOS packages 이미지 키트 17-08-25 3024
322 TTL,CMOS Digital Clock 2 이미지 키트 17-08-25 3936
321 TTL,CMOS List of 7400 series★★★ 키트 17-08-25 1958
320 TTL,CMOS 디지털 IC TTL과 CMOS 이미지 키트 17-08-25 1952
319 TTL,CMOS 트랜지스터로배우는디지털회로Ⅱ 이미지 키트 17-08-25 3381
318 TTL,CMOS 7400 ~ 7438 TTL MOS 핀배치도 이미지 키트 17-08-25 3029
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316 TTL,CMOS Level Shifting Made Easy with the 74LVC06A and 74LVC07A 키트 17-08-25 1881
315 TTL,CMOS Level Shifting CMOS Switching Levels 키트 17-08-25 1850
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