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작성자 키트 작성일2017-08-25 13:51 조회5,346회 댓글0건본문 - Electronic Projects
This is the most simple and cheap FM transmitter you can ever find. It's powered by CR2025 3V battery and current consumption is very low. The total size of this FM transmitter is less than that of a matchbox. The circuit has a central RF oscillator NPN transistor BF494. A coil takes care of the output frequency. The coil consists of 36SWG wire 2.5 turns in 5mm diameter ferrite rod. Keep the circuit as small as possible. By using a standard TV antenna, the range of this transmitter can go up to 1KM radius, using small 15-20cm wire, it can work up to around 50M range. This circuit is most suitable for miniature FM transmitter for use in computer, mobile etc to send music to home theater system without wires, and in homemade wireless walky-talkies.This simple transmitter allows you to broadcast on FM radio band 87.5 - 108 MHz. It consists of a simple oscillator with silicon planar RF PNP transistor. Directly to the oscillator an antenna is connected. Due to the large amplitude of RF voltage is sufficient antenna length of about 5-10 cm. I used insulated 7cm long copper wire 1mm diameter. I eliminated the tuning capacitor, which is usual for most bugs and miniature transmitters, because this greatly complicates the tuning. From my own experience I know that if you get closer to such capacitor, the operating frequency is changed. That's why I chose to use the voltage tuning using the Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). Instead of tuning capacitor the varicap (capacitance diode) is used, which changes its capacity by changing the reverse DC voltage. We can tune the operating frequency by changing the DC voltage using the trimmer P1. Varicap also provides frequency modulation.This simple 400mW transmitter broadcasts audio on 87.5 - 108 MHz FM radio band. With good dipole antenna transmission range up to 4km is possible. Frequency is selected by adjusting R1 potentiometer. Transmitter should be powered by regulated 12-14V power supply with at least 100mA current rating.FM transmitters can be complicated to build, but not this one it뭩 about the easiest you can possibly make. And though the science of radio is well understood, there뭩 a magical, emotional quality about it that we don뭪 often stop to appreciate. You will not forget the first time you pick up a transmission broadcast from a device you soldered together, yourself, from a few bits of copper, carbon, plastic, and wire.This is a small stereo FM transmitter. Output can be tuned from 88 to 108Mhz and the transmitter can be battery powered or be used with presented low voltage power supply. This circuit is based on the Rhom BA1404 datasheet. The maximum voltage should not exceed 3V. The IC can be driven from a 7805 Regulator with a couple of 1N4001 diodes to reduce the supply voltage to about 2.8 Volts. RF output power is typically 500mW but range depends upon antenna coupling and efficiency, environment and size of antenna. A small telescopic whip has an expected range of at leaset 100 metres or more.Here is a simple 76-110MHz FM transmitter that can transmit your voice or audio over an ordinary FM radio within the FM broadcast band. It can transmit both voice using microphone and music from any music player. Frequency is changed by adjusting 5.5 turn inductor coil. Transmitter is powered by 9V battery or 3V-9V power adapter. Transmission range is 100 meters but can be increased with better antenna or RF amplifier.FM transmitters can be complicated to build, but not this one. It뭩 about the easiest you can possibly make. And though the science of radio is well understood, there뭩 a magical, emotional quality about it that we don뭪 often stop to appreciate. You will not forget the first time you pick up a transmission broadcast from a device you soldered together, yourself, from a few bits of copper, carbon, plastic, and wire.Presented FM transmitter is built around low power PLL transmitter and amplifier that boosts its signal all the way up to 6 Watts. The signal is amplified by three RF stages of amplification. In the first and second stages of the transmitter one of the best driver transistors were used 2SC2053. You can use the other transistors but only up to 500mW of power. In the third stage 2SC1971 RF transistor was used to achieve 6W of power. For making any RF transmitter circuit at least two meters are necessary, one is frequency counter and the other is RF field strength meter for which the schematic is provided.The figure shows a schematic of an easy to build FM transmitter circuit. Mostly all FM transmitter circuits you will find online or in books require some kind of hand build inductor/coil and after building the transmitter you have to adjust that coil and trimmer capacitor a little to adjust the transmitter to transmit on your desired frequency. If you are looking for an easy or simple FM transmitter circuit in which you don't have to make a coil with your hand then the circuit given here is ideal for you. The circuit is using a ready made 1uH inductor which can be purchased from an electronic components store. These inductors are mostly look like resistors. The circuit also does not require a trimmer capacitor, because we have used a fixed value of 39pF capacitor in the place of trimmer capacitor. We have already calculated and used the values of coil and capacitors of oscillator to broadcast on FM band, so you don't have to do any further adjustments and tuning after building the circuit. The circuit can be operated with 9 to 12 volt DC. For antenna use a 12 inch wire or for maximum range use a 30 inch wire and make it vertical.Here's how to build your own mini FM transmitter. It transmits FM waves so you could easily receive the signals on your mobile phone, radios, etc. As the name and the picture indicates it is very small and is approximately the size of a 9v battery clip. With this FM transmitter you could start your own mini FM station. The circuit uses BC547 transistor to amplify the signal and then frequency modulate it. It uses "frequency modulation" most commonly known as FM, the same principal to transmit audio signals captured by the microphone.This small phone transmitter will transmit a phone conversation to an FM radio on the 88-108MHz band. It uses energy from the phone line to transmit the signal about 100 meters away. It uses the phone wire as the antenna and is activated when the phone is picked up. Transmitter components are mounted on a small PC board. PC layout is included.This classic walkie talkie consists of both 27MHz transmitter and receiver all in one circuit. Nearly all the components in the 4-transistor circuit are used for both transmitting and receiving making it simple to build and economical at the same time. The frequency-generating stage only needs 27MHz crystal to be removed and it becomes a receiver. Next is a three transistor audio amplifier with very high gain. The first transistor is a pre-amplifier and the next two are wired as a super-alpha pair, commonly called a Darlington pair to drive the speaker that is also used as a microphone. The use of telescopic antenna will provide better reception and transmitting range. Use two identical walkie talkie circuits for two way communication.This is a VCO FM Transmitter. With good antenna (dipole placed outdoor and high) the transmitter has very good coverage range about 500 meters, the maximal coverage range is up to 4 km. To calibrate for maximum power connect 6 V / 0,1 light bulb to the output and use R1 to tune the right frequency, adjust L1 coil if necesary. Then use C14 and C15 to adjust the highest power (the highest light of the bulb). Then you can connect antenna and audio signal. Adjust R2 until the audio sounds as loud as the other stations.This is a 1 Watt FM Transmitter amplifier with a good design that can be used to amplify a RF signal in the 88 � 108 MHz band. It is very sensitive if you use good RF power amplifier transistors, trimmers and coils. It has a power amplification factor of 9 to 12 dB (9 to 15 times). At an input power of 0.1W the output will be 1W. You must choose T1 transistor depending on applied voltage. If you have a 12V power supply then use transistors like: 2N4427, KT920A, KT934A, KT904, BLX65, 2SC1970, BLY87. At 18 to 24V power supply you must use transistors like: 2N3866, 2N3553, KT922A, BLY91, BLX92A. You may use 2N2219 at 12V but you will get an output power of 0.4W maximum.Here's FM transmitter for commercial FM band that provides 18 watts of power. Since the electronic diagram is too large we decided to divide it into two parts. The first part is the actual FM transmitter while the second part is 18W RF amplifier. The circuit should be built on an epoxy printed circuit board with the upper face components reserved for interconnecting tracks and the bottom solder to the ground plane. If powered by 14V and 2.5A transmitter outputs 15W of power, whereas 18V and 3.5A will provide 18W. BB110 variable capacitor connected to the collector of transistor BF199 adjusts the transmission frequency of the circuit. 2K2 potentiometer serves as fine tuning. Once the output frequency is adjusted amplifier variable capacitors must be adjusted for maximum output power one stage at a time. All adjustments must be made with 50 Ohm dummy load connected to the output of transmitter.Veronica 1W FM transmitter is an easy to build transmitter. Veronica is also known for frequency stability, clean FM signal and uses no integrated circuit. The Veronica oscillator is actually formed from 2 oscillators which operates somewhere around 50 MHz in anti phase and the 2 signals are combined to form 100MHz FM radio signal. This kind of circuit design is stable and is amplified up to 1W by 2n4427 transistor. Veronica transmitter is equipped with a mini-mixer and so you may forget an external mixer. This consist from T1 transistor which amplifies the microphone signal before it is combined with cd-player audio or PC signal. R1 and R2 are potentiometers (variable resistors) used to adjust the audio level. The component between R8 and C21 represents the oscillator wich generates radio signal. D1 is a varicap diode (like a variable capacitor or trimmer) controlled by audio signal. C12, C13 and L1 determines the frequency.Following 1W PLL transmitter exciter provides stable, low noise operation. Transmitter uses a PLL frequency synthesizer built with MC145152 which covers the FM band in 100kHz steps. The VCO uses MV2109 varicap diode to automatically tune to selected frequency via SW1 dip switch. output stage uses 2N4417 RF power transistor and provides 1W of RF power. With good antenna expected transmission range is 2km. Transmitter may be built on a double sided PCB, with top side copper left mostly undisturbed as a ground plane. The copper is removed only around non-grounded pins. The ground connections can be soldered on the top side, so it뭩 not necessary to have plated-through holes.Here is a very interesting and simple FM transmitter used to transmit audio in the wide range up to 100M using only one transistor. The entire circuit of FM transmitter is divided into three major stages oscillator, modulator and amplifier. The transmitting frequency of 88-108 MHz is generated by adjusting VC1. The input audio generated by microphone is changed into electric signal and is given to base of transistor T1. Transistor T1 is used as oscillator which oscillates the frequency of 88-108 MHz. The oscillated frequency depends upon the value R2, C2, L2 and L3. Transmitted audio from FM transmitter circuit can be received by standard FM receiver.
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