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BASIC4MCU | AVR | 타이머 | 4060을 이용한 1초 만들기

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작성자 키트 작성일2017-08-29 09:23 조회5,920회 댓글0건



SamGordon Digital Clock

1. Main Clock


With pleasure the lot of friends of digital clocks that use discernible components, will see this circuit. It's a clock, with 12hour clue, little simpler in the manufacture from the SamClock. It’s a designing that became from the friend George Kordogiannis in 1990, which was modified and corrected in enough points by my, until it reach in the current form. Most completed that uses is TTL, apart from the IC9 until IC13, that is CMOS, that they have the faculty to drive display Common Cathode. In the place of 4511 [6], can be placed the 74LS47[7], which can drive display Common Anode. In this case it will be supposed they are changed display Common Cathode in the Fig.2, with Common Anode, changing of course and connection in DIS1 until DIS5 display. In the SL10, come in the pulses frequ. 1HZ [fig.3-4], which then are divided successively by the IC2 until IC4 and the round this gates, ensuring the clue of time, in Hours, Minutes and Seconds. The Q1 drive display the tens of hours [Fig.2], but only the B and C Led of DIS6 display [Fig.2], ensuring clue 1, when needs the clue of hours it’s 10, 11, 12. The voltages that supply the circuit are divided in two lines. The voltage +5VA supplies all IC except the IC9 until IC13 and is supplied with voltage in case of break of network voltage, on the contrary the voltage of +5VB, supplies only the IC9 until IC13 and display and is interrupted in case of interruption of network voltage, ensuring thus economy in battery [Fig.5]. If the Q1 is hot, can be placed on a small heatsink

Main Clock Part List

R1=2.2Kohm 1/4W 5%IC5-7=74HC32    [3]Q1=BD139 on Heatsink
R2......R38=470ohm 1/4W 5%IC6=74HC08       [4]SL1....SL5=7 pin connector
IC1-4=74HC390 [1]IC8=74HC04       [5]SL6-7=2 pin connector
IC2-3=74HC92   [2]IC9....IC13=4511 [6] or [74LS47] [7]SL8=3 pin connector
[1] 74HC390 or 74LS390= Dual 4bit Decade and Binary COUNTER[5] 74HC04 or 74LS04=  Hex inverter
[2] 74HC92 or 74LS92=  Decade, divide by 12 and Binary COUNTER[6] 4511= BCD to 7-segment Latch/Decoder/Driver for CC Display*
[3] 74HC32 or 74LS32=  Quad 2-input OR gate[7] 74LS47=   BCD to 7-segment Decoder/Driver for CA Display*
[4] 74HC08 or 74LS08=  Quad 2-input AND gateCC=Common Cathode   CA=Common Anode

2. Display


In the Fig.2, exist the clue display. As he is drawn, the drive of display becomes when in the place of IC9….IC13, are used the 4511 [6]. Thus DIS1 until DIS5, are Common Cathode and DIS6 of it’s in every case Common Anode. If are used the 74LS47 [7], then the DIS1…DIS5 it should they are changed with Common Anode, the pins 1 and 6 of DIS1 until DIS5, they go to the line of + 5VB and the R39-40, in the line of 0V. The R39-40, turn on the dot in the DIS3 and DIS5, so that exist a divide the displays that shows the Hours, Minutes and Seconds.

Display Part List

R39-40=220ohm 1/2W 5%DIS6=20 mm Led Display Common AnodeSL10.....SL4=7 pin connector
DIS1-5=20 mm Led Display Common Cathode*SL9-15=2 pin connector*See Text
*DIS1-5=20 mm Led Display Common Cathode with driver 4511 [6]*DIS1-5=20 mm Led Display Common Cathode with driver 74LS47 [7]

3. Time Base [A Choise]


For the production of pulses 1HZ that constitutes also the base of time for the clock exist two proposals. And the two are based on the same beginning of operation. A oscillator with crystal in high oscillation frequency and then division of this frequency so that we take in the end the frequency 1HZ. This process us ensure very big precision and stability in the produced pulses. The oscillator in the Fig.3 is based on a crystal in frequency 1MHZ and then in frequency division of 1MHZ in stages via 10, from the IC15 until IC17. The gates IC18A-B until IC19A-B do not participate immediately in the operation, only that indirectly when are pressed the switches S1 or S2, which us allow the regulation of time. Pressing S1 [Super Fast] and S2 [Fast], are released pulses of frequency 10KHZ and 100HZ respectively, making the clue in display run very fast facilitating in the regulation of TIME, in short time interval. The supply of circuit becomes from the line + 5VA, ensuring thus the operation of oscillator, even in interruption of network voltage, supplied from the battery.

Time Base [A] Part List

R43-44=10KohmIC15-16-17=74HC390*S1-2=Push Button normal open
CSL1=1MHZ CrystalIC18=74HC32**See component list in Main Clock

4. Time Base [B Choise]


In the Fig.4, exist a proposal that is based on the same beginning of operation as on the Fig.3, but exist a crystal with higher operation frequency 3.2768MHz, with successive division, in order that in the end we take frequency 1HZ, in exit SL19. With variable capacitor C3 we can regulate thus the oscillator in order that in point TEST we take pulses of frequency 204800HZ. With switches S1 [Fast] and S2 [Super Fast] we regulate the display clue in process of regulation, with frequency 10HZ and 100HZ, respectively, making the clue in display to run very fast, facilitating in the regulation of time in short time interval. The supply of circuit becomes from the line + 5VA, ensuring thus the operation of oscillator, even in interruption of network voltage, supplied from the battery. The solution of mechanic switches, was preferred for simplicity reasons.

Time Base [B] Part List

R45=10MohmIC20=4060          [8]CSL2=3.2768 MHZ crystal
C1-2=22pF ceramicIC21-22=4017 [9]S3-4=Push switch recrudescent
C3=22pF trimmed capacitorIC23=4013         [10] 
[8] 4060=14-stage Ripple Carry Binary Counter/Divider and Oscillator[10] 4013=dual D Flip-Flop
[9] 4017=Hex "D"-type Flip-Flop 


출처: http://www.rlocman.ru/shem/shem-cache.html?di=11131


아래 4060 데이터시트 6페이지보면 xtal연결 회로가 나와 있습니다.


CD4060, 74HC4060으로 구입하면 됩니다.


x-tal 3.2768MHz을 사용하면 1/100초를 만들어서 스톱워치에 사용하기 좋고

x-tal 32.768KHz을 사용하면 1초를 만들어서 시계에 사용하기 좋습니다.





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