BASIC4MCU | AVR | 컴파일러 | AVR Assembler Instructions
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AVR Assembler InstructionsDocumentation HomeAVR Assembler
- Preface
- AVR Assembler Known Issues
- AVR Assembler Command Line Options
- Assembler source
- AVR Assembler Syntax
- Assembler directives
- Expressions
- Instructions
- ADC - Add with Carry
- ADD - Add without Carry
- ADIW - Add Immediate to Word
- AND - Logical AND
- ANDI - Logical AND with Immediateand
- ASR - Arithmetic Shift Right
- BCLR - Bit Clear in SREG
- BLD - Bit Load from the T Flag in SREG to a Bit in Register.
- BRBC - Branch if Bit in SREG is Cleared
- BRBS - Branch if Bit in SREG is Set
- BRCC - Branch if Carry Cleared
- BRCS - Branch if Carry Set
- BREAK - Break
- BREQ - Branch if Equal
- BRGE - Branch if Greater or Equal Signed)
- BRHC - Branch if Half Carry Flag is Cleared
- BRHS - Branch if Half Carry Flag is Set
- BRID - Branch if Global Interrupt is Disabled
- BRIE - Branch if Global Interrupt is Enabled
- BRLO - Branch if Lower (Unsigned)
- BRLT - Branch if Less Than (Signed)
- BRMI - Branch if Minus
- BRNE - Branch if Not Equal
- BRPL - Branch if Plus
- BRSH - Branch if Same or Higher (Unsigned)
- BRTC - if the T Flag is Cleared
- BRTS - Branch if the T Flag is Set
- BRVC - Branch if Overflow Cleared
- BRVS - Branch if Overflow Set
- BSET - Bit Set in SREG
- BST - Bit Store from Bit in Register to T Flag in SREG
- CALL - Long Call to a Subroutine
- CBI - Clear Bit in I/O Register
- CBR - Clear Bits in Register
- CLC - Clear Carry Flag
- CLH - Clear Half Carry Flag
- CLI - Clear Global Interrupt Flag
- CLN - Clear Negative Flag
- CLR - Clear Register
- CLS - Clear Signed Flag
- CLT - Clear T Flag
- CLV - Clear Overflow Flag
- CLZ - Clear Zero Flag
- COM- One's Complement
- CP- Compare
- CPC- Compare with Carry
- CPI- Compare with Immediate
- CPSE- Compare Skip if Equal
- DEC- Decrement
- EICALL - Extended Indirect Call to Subroutine
- EIJMP - Extended Indirect Jump
- ELPM - Extended Load Program Memory
- EOR - Exclusive OR
- FMUL- Fractional Multiply Unsigned
- FMULS - Fractional Multiply Signed
- FMULSU - Fractional Multiply Signed with Unsigned
- ICALL - Indirect Call to Subroutine
- IJMP - Indirect Jump
- IN - Load an I/O Location to Register
- INC- Increment
- JMP - Jump
- LD - Load Indirect from data space to Register using Index X
- LAT - Load and Toggle
- LAS - Load and Set
- LAC - Load and Clear
- LD (LDD)- Load Indirect from data space to Register using Index Y
- LD (LDD) - Load Indirect From data space to Register using Index Z
- LDI - Load Immediate
- LDS - Load Direct from data space
- LDS - Load Direct from SRAM
- LPM - Load Program Memory
- LSL- Logical Shift Left
- LSR- Logical Shift Right
- MOV - Copy Register
- MOVW - Copy Register Word
- MUL- Multiply Unsigned
- MULS - Multiply Signed
- MULSU - Multiply Signed with Unsigned
- NEG- Two's Complement
- NOP - No Operation
- OR- Logical OR
- ORI- Logical OR with Immediate
- OUT - Store Register to I/O Location
- POP - Pop Register from Stack
- PUSH - Push Register on Stack
- RCALL - Relative Call to Subroutine
- RET - Return from Subroutine
- RETI - Return from Interrupt
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