♧ STM32F1 > F101

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BASIC4MCU | ♧ STM32F1 | ◆F101 | F101

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작성자 master 작성일2018-02-19 17:19 조회1,718회 댓글0건


STM32F1 Series  

STM32F1 series of mainstream MCUs

ST’s STM32F1 series of mainstream MCUs covers the needs of a large variety of applications in the industrial, medical and consumer markets. With this series, ST has pioneered the world of ARM® Cortex™-M microcontrollers and set a milestone in the history of embedded applications. High performance with first-class peripherals and low-power, low-voltage operation is paired with a high level of integration at accessible prices with a simple architecture and easy-to-use tools.

The series consists of five product lines which are pin-to-pin, peripheral and software compatible.

  • STM32F100 Value line  – 24 MHz CPU with motor control and CEC functions
  • STM32F101 – 36 MHz CPU, up to 1 Mbyte of Flash
  • STM32F102 – 48 MHz CPU with USB FS
  • STM32F103 – 72 MHz, up to 1 Mbyte of Flash with motor control, USB and CAN
  • STM32F105/107 – 72 MHz CPU with Ethernet MAC, CAN and USB 2.0 OTG



STM32F101 devices use the Cortex-M3 core, with a maximum CPU speed of 36 MHz. The portfolio covers from 16-Kbyte to 1-Mbyte of Flash, and offers a good trade-off between performance and cost.


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