♧ STM32F3 > F373 Precision Measurement

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BASIC4MCU | ♧ STM32F3 | ◆F373 Precision Measurement | F373 Precision Measurement

페이지 정보

작성자 master 작성일2018-02-19 17:45 조회2,277회 댓글0건


STM32F3 Series  

STM32 F3 series of mixed-signal MCUs with DSP and FPU instructions

The STM32 F3 series combines a 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4  core (with FPU and DSP instructions) running at 72 MHz with a high number of integrated analog peripherals leading to cost reduction at application level and simplifying application design, including:

  • Ultra-fast comparators (25 ns)
  • Op-amp with programmable gain
  • 12-bit DACs
  • Ultra-fast 12-bit ADCs with 5 MSPS (Million Samples Per Second) per channel (up to 18 MSPS in Interleaved mode)
  • Precise 16-bit sigma-delta ADCs (21 channels)
  • Core Coupled Memory SRAM (Routine Booster), a specific memory architecture boosting time-critical routines, accelerating the performance by 43%
  • 144 MHz Advanced 16-bit pulse-width modulation timer (resolution < 7 ns) for control applications
  • High resolution timer (217 picoseconds), self-compensated vs power supply and temperature drift

A flexible interconnect matrix allows autonomous communication between peripherals and saves CPU resources and power consumption.

A high degree of compatibility with STM32 F0 series guarantees outstanding efficiency when designing derivatives of applications at different performance levels.

The STM32 F3 series consists of:

  • The STM32F301, STM32F302, STM32F303 general-purpose product lines ranging from a basic, cost-efficient peripheral set, up to more performance and analog functions able to manage up to triple FOC motor control,
  • The STM32F334 with high-resolution timer (217 picoseconds) and complex waveform builder plus event handler (HRTIM) for digital power conversion, such as digital switched-mode power supplies, lighting, welding, solar and wireless charging,
  • The STM32F373, with 16-bit sigma-delta ADC and
    7 built-in gains for high-precision measurements in applications such as biometric sensors or smart metering,
  • The STM32F3x8 line, supporting 1.8 volt operation

Package options are LQPF48/64/100, UFBGA100, WLCSP100/66/49, UQFN32 for the devices ranging now from
16 up to 512 Kbytes of Flash memory.
Temperature range from -40 to 85 ° C or from -40 to 105 ° C (with a junction temperature of 125 ° C).


STM32F373 Precision Measurement 

The Cortex-M4 based STM32F373 product line integrates 16-bit sigma-delta ADCs, making the devices perfect fit for all kinds of sensor applications requiring high precision measurement together with more demanding signal processing.

The devices are equipped with:

  • 3x 16-bit sigma-delta ADCs, with up to 21 single or 11 differential channels and seven programmable gains per channel
  • 12-bit ADCs with 1 MSPS
  • Up to 2x comparators
  • Up to 3x 12-bit DACs
  • USB FS and CAN 2.0B communication interfaces

The STM32F373 MCUs operate from 2.0 to 3.6 V.

Memory ranges from 64- to 256-Kbyte and packages from 48 to 100 pins.


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