♧ STM32L1 > L100 Value Line

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BASIC4MCU | ♧ STM32L1 | ◆L100 Value line | L100 Value Line

페이지 정보

작성자 master 작성일2018-03-15 14:29 조회1,942회 댓글0건


STM32L1 Series 

STM32L1 series of ultra-low-power MCUs

ST’s Arm® Cortex®-M3-based STM32L1 series uses ST’s proprietary ultra-low-leakage process technology with an innovative autonomous dynamic voltage scaling and 5 low-power modes offering unprecedented platform flexibility to fit any application. The STM32L1 series extends the ultra-low-power concept with no compromise on performance.

As for the STM32L0 and STM8L, the STM32L1 offers dynamic voltage scaling, an ultra-low-power clock oscillator, LCD interface, comparator, DAC and hardware encryption.

More than just ultra-low-power MCUs, the STM32L1 series offers a wide portfolio of features, memory sizes and package pin counts. Combining ultra-low power and performance, the portfolio covers from 32 to 512 Kbytes of Flash memory (with up to
80 Kbytes of SDRAM and 16 Kbytes of true embedded EEPROM) and from 48 to 144 pins.

This innovative architecture (voltage scaling, ultra-low-power MSI oscillator) gives your design more performance for a very low power budget. The large number of embedded peripherals, such as USB, LCD interface, op amp, comparators, ADC with fast on/off mode, DAC, capacitive touch and AES, makes the STM32L1 series an expandable platform to fit all your requirements.

The series is available in 4 different lines: STM32L100 Value lineSTM32L151STM32L152 (LCD), STM32L162 (LCD and AES-128).

To simplify migration and give you all the flexibility you need, the STM32L1 is pin-to-pin compatible with the different STM32F series and opens the door to the full STM32 ecosystem.

  • Ultra-low-power mode: 280 nA with backup registers (3 wakeup pins)
  • Ultra-low-power mode + RTC: 900 nA with backup registers (3 wakeup pins)
  • Low-power run mode: down to 9 μA
  • Dynamic run mode: down to 177 μA/MHz


STM32L100 Value Line  

The STM32L1 series now hosts an entry level line, the STM32L100

The latest addition to ST’s STM32 L1 series, the STM32L100, is the perfect fit for applications that require a minimum processing power and ultra-low power consumption, all at a budget price.

The STM32L100 comes with a real-time clock, 16-bit timers, communication interfaces (SPI, I²C, USART, USB), analog peripherals, including a 12-bit ADC, and a LCD driver (up to 8x28 segments).

The STM32L100 Value line operates from 1.8 to 3.6 V and is available in the -40 to +85 °C temperature range.

All STM32 L1 series share the same architecture with the same memory mapping and are fully pin-to-pin compatible.


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